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Rate Increase on Frozen Cargo/Frozen Protein exports to Haiti Base Ports

May 28, 2021

May 13, 2021

Rate Increase on Frozen Cargo/Frozen Protein exports to Haiti Base Ports
Effective June 13, 2021

All tariff and service contracts will be subject to a minimum revenue as defined below between United States inland points and ports to Port au Prince, Haiti and Cap Haitien, Haiti as follows:

South Florida ports – $3,500 per 40’RE – Port to Port

Below rates are Door to Port

Mississippi origin points $6,000.00 per 40’RE
Georgia origin points $6,000.00 per 40’RE
Alabama origin points $7,000.00 per 40’RE
Arkansas origin points $6,000 per 40’RE
North Carolina origin points $6,000 per 40’RE
Florida origin points $6,000.00 per 40’RE

All intermodal shipments are subject to cargo weight limitations as regulated by the State Department of Transportation for over-the-road transport.

As always, we thank you for your continued support.