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Dear Valued Customers

Nov 16, 2012

King Ocean Services wishes to advise the trade that a General Rate Increase will be implemented from to and from Central America Ports and Points in the following amounts:

Southbound – Rate Increase Effective December 16, 2012
From: Miami, FL To Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador
Equipment Size Amount of Increase
20′ $50
40′ $100
45′ $115Northbound – Rate Increase Effective December 16, 2012
From: Guatemala and Honduras To Miami, FL
Equipment Size Amount of Increase
20′ $50
40′ $100
45′ $115

From: El Salvador T0 Miami, FL
Equipment Size Amount of Increase
20′ $75
40′ $150
45′ $165

Increases apply to all tariff and contract rates. Increases also apply to specialized equipment, shipper owned, and chassis bundles.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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