Maracaibo Service Announcement
King Ocean Services wishes to advise our valued customers, agents, and trade partners that we are reopening our weekly service from Port Everglades, Florida to Maracaibo, Venezuela. Effective August 26th, 2023, King Ocean Services will be offering a weekly service from Port Everglades to Maracaibo, sailing every Saturday, with an estimated transit time of 15-20 […]
Bunker Adjustments – Venezuela 04.23.23 and 05.14.23
TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Further to our previously announced Bunker charges, be advised that King Ocean will be adjusting the Bunker Surcharge on all cargo moving between U.S. Ports and Points and all Ports and Points included within our scope of service throughout Venezuela as follows: Current Effective April 23, 2023 Effective May 14, 2023 […]
Bunker adjustments US Ports and Points And Venezuela
TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Further to our previously announced Bunker charges, be advised that King Ocean will be adjusting the Bunker Surcharge on all cargo moving between U.S. Ports and Points and all Ports and Points included within our scope of service throughout Venezuela as follows: Effective February 13, 2023 Effective March 12, 2023 20′ […]
Direct sailings from Port Everglades to Venezuela
Venezuela is a legacy service for King Ocean and we have never wavered in our resolve to continue our offerings to the Trade. King Ocean has been working diligently to reinstate our weekly, direct services to the ports of La Guaira and Puerto Cabello. In the face of adversity, we have dedicated immeasurable resources to […]
Peak Season Surcharge Venezuela and Colombia – 09.11.22
King Ocean Services wishes to advise the trade that a temporary Peak Season Surcharge will be applicable between U.S. Ports and Points and Ports in Venezuela and Colombia in the following amounts: 20′ Dry/Flatrack/Open Top $ 250 20’ Reefer $ 300 40′ Dry/Flatrack/Open Top $ 500 40’ Reefer $ 600 45’ $ 565 Vehicles, NE […]
Venezuela Sailing Update 05.12.2022
Dear Valued Customer In an effort to provide improved services to Venezuela, King Ocean will now provide weekly sailings with alternating arrivals into Puerto Cabello and La Guaira, Venezuela. Our new schedule is outlined below AS Fabrizia V-281 Departure Port Everglades, Florida Arrival Puerto Cabello, Venezuela (Transshipment in Curacao on FS Ipanema) Saturday, May 14, […]
General Rate Increase – Colombia, Venezuela, Peru & Ecuador
TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Please be advised that effective January 9, 2022 a General Rate Increase will be applicable between US Ports and Points and Ports in Colombia, Venezuela, Peru & Ecuador (northbound and southbound) in the following amounts: 20′ any type $ 250 40′ any type $ 500 45’ $ 550 LCL- m3 […]
General Rate Increase – South America Effective March 14, 2021
TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Please be advised that effective March 14, 2021 a General Rate Increase will be applicable to and from Colombia (including San Andres), Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela in the following amounts: Equipment Type Amount 20’ Equipment 20’ Refrigerated 40’ Equipment 40’ Refrigerated 45’ Equipment Vehicles NE 700 cuft Breakbulk per m3 Trucks, […]
Venezuela Equipment Imbalance Surcharge
Please be advised of the following new Surcharge that will apply on all shipments from US Ports and Points to Venezuela Ports: Effective January 3, 2021 Equipment Imbalance Surcharge $550 per container any size $25 per CBM – LCL and BBK Cargo $25 per Linear Foot – Rolling Stock Thank you for your understanding and […]
Launching of PayCargo Online Payment Platform
Dear Valued Customer King Ocean Services® is now a trusted vendor of PayCargo®! PayCargo® is the world’s leading online payment platform for the shipping and cargo industry. This efficient payment system allows our customers to make fast, easy, and secure payments to have their cargo released quickly and significantly reduce costs, compared to any other […]