KOS News

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TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS: King Ocean Services wishes to advise the trade that the Anguilla Landing Surcharge will be increased by the following quantum amounts...

TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Please be advised that effective March 14, 2021 a General Rate Increase will be applicable to and from Anguilla, Antigua, BVI/Tortola,...

TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS King Ocean Services wishes to advise the trade that a BVI Container Port Usage Charge will be applied in the following...

TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Please be advised that effective March 14, 2021 a General Rate Increase will be applicable to and from Colombia (including San...

TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS King Ocean Services wishes to advise the trade that the BVI Landing Surcharge will be increased by the following quantum amounts...

TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Please be advised that effective March 14, 2021 a General Rate Increase will be applicable to and from St Maarten ports...

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