TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Further to our previously announced Bunker charges, be advised that King Ocean will be decreasing the Bunker Surcharge on all cargo...
Dear Valued Customer In an effort to provide improved services to Venezuela, King Ocean will now provide weekly sailings with alternating arrivals into Puerto Cabello...
To All Our Valued Customers: Further to our last correspondence regarding the M/V LAETITIA voyage 196S, we wish to advise that the vessel owners have...
TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Further to our previously announced Bunker Increase, be advised that King Ocean will be adjusting the Bunker Surcharge on all cargo...
TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Further to our previously announced Bunker Increase, be advised that King Ocean will be adjusting the Bunker Surcharge on all cargo...
TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Further to our previously announced Bunker Increase, be advised that King Ocean will be adjusting the Bunker Surcharge on all cargo...
Dominican Republic
Eastern Caribbean
North Central America
South Central America