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TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Further to our previously announced Bunker Increase, be advised that King Ocean will be adjusting the Bunker Surcharge on all cargo...

TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Further to our previously announced Bunker Increase, be advised that King Ocean will be adjusting the Bunker Surcharge on all cargo...

March 31, 2022 Dear Valued Customer: Please see below for an update on the Costa Rica Administrative Surcharge applicable to all shipments as outlined. This...

TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS   Further to our previously announced Bunker Increase, be advised that King Ocean will be adjusting the Bunker Surcharge on all...

TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Further to our previously announced Bunker Increase, be advised that King Ocean will be adjusting the Bunker Surcharge on all cargo...

TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Please be advised that King Ocean will be adjusting the Bunker Surcharge on all cargo moving between Foreign to Foreign Ports...

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