TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Please be advised due to increased operational costs (Mandatory Standy Tug Charge) associated with landing Containers in St Kitts, the Destination...
TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Further to our previously announced Bunker charges, be advised that King Ocean will be adjusting the Bunker Surcharge on all cargo...
King Ocean advises the trade of the following revised cut-offs for services through Port Everglades, Florida effective January 1, 2023: Service Sail Day Doc Cut...
TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Please be advised that effective January 1, 2023 the Honduras Terminal Charge will be increased as follows: Imports to...
Venezuela is a legacy service for King Ocean and we have never wavered in our resolve to continue our offerings to the Trade. King Ocean...
TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Further to our previously announced Bunker charges, be advised that King Ocean will be adjusting the Bunker Surcharge on all cargo...
Dominican Republic
Eastern Caribbean
North Central America
South Central America