KOS News

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TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Further to our previously announced Bunker charges, be advised that King Ocean will be adjusting the Bunker Surcharge on all cargo...

TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Further to our previously announced Bunker charges, be advised that King Ocean will be adjusting the Bunker Surcharge on all cargo...

TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS King Ocean Services will be closed on Tuesday, July 4th 2023. Cut offs will be as follows for our Southbound services:...

TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Further to our previously announced Bunker charges, be advised that King Ocean will be adjusting the Bunker Surcharge on all cargo...

TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Further to our previously announced Bunker charges, be advised that King Ocean will be adjusting the Bunker Surcharge on all cargo...

TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Further to our previously announced Bunker charges, be advised that King Ocean will be adjusting the Bunker Surcharge on all cargo...

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Dominican Republic

Eastern Caribbean

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